Boost Your Productivity with Bash Script Recipes

The bash script recipes discussed here can be used as-is like a mini-cookbook or for understanding the fundamentals of bash scripting
Bash Scripting

Senthil Kumar


August 16, 2023

A better version of this blog piece is published in Toyota Connected India Medium Link

Bash Scripting can improve the productivity of a gamut of professionals not just DevOps, SysAdmin, Networking, ML or Cloud Engineers. It can aid product owners, scrum masters, HR professionals and even time-crunched CXOs to do their repetitive tasks faster.

Pic source: The image was created by author

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Bash Script Recipes (main topic)
III. NL2Bash using LLMs
IV. Concluding Remarks


I.A. Why Bash Scripting

Everyone of us deals with files and directories. We search/move/delete/copy files. We look for a particular file or directory. We may even want to search a word/phrase in the files. With Bash, we can do those tasks at scale and at great speed.

I.B. Why Bash Script Recipes

Create your own simplified bash recipes for tasks that you do repetitively. The recipes could string together several bash commands underneath, but you have abstracted them for quick use

I.C. What is in it for you

The bash script recipes discussed here are intended for 2 purposes. The reader can 1. directly use the recipes in their day-to-day work (like a mini cookbook), or 2. use the recipes to learn the fundamentals and create their own recipes

I.D. Prerequisites

  • Understanding of what a Bash is, what are the different types of Bash terminals, how Bash and Linux Kernel interactions could be helpful. This important theory is out of the purview of this blog.

Pic Source: Intro to Unix ( course) | Refer here if interested

II. The Bash CLI Recipes

Generic Recipes for everyone

  • search_file & search_file_with_regex
  • search_string_with_regex & search_n_replace_with_string
  • manage_files
  • inside_csv
  • AWS Recipes

Each of the recipes has the following details:

  • Core Function
  • Learnings
  • How to run it as a bash command

You can always use your own data to run the recipes. If you would like to replicate what I have, follow below instructions. For sections II.1 and II.2, we are using using this github repo as dataset to play with - Download the data as follows

# in any new directory of yours
mkdir -p dir_to_run_bash_scripts && cd dir_to_run_bash_scripts
curl -L -O && mv

For section II.4, use this csv file:

curl >> la-riots.csv

II. 1. Searching Files

Recipe Title: search_file

Core Function in the bash script search_file.bash

function search_file_in_a_dir()
    find "$1" -type f -name "$2"


  • find allows to search for a file recursively under every dir in a specific dir
  • Parameters such as are passed to functions as positional arguments

How to run the bash script as a command:

% search_file -d ./dir_to_search -f "*partial_file_to_search*"
% search_file -f "some_partial_file_name*" # OR search_file -f "full_file_name"

For full recipe details and bash outputs, refer here

Recipe Title: search_file_with_regex

Core Functions in the bash script search_file_with_regex.bash

function 1_search_file_in_a_dir()
    find "$1" -type f

function 2_to_treat_space_in_file_path()
    sed "s| |?|g"

function 3_isolate_file_name()
    rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev

function 4_run_regex_file_search()
    grep -E "$2"

function main_function()
    1_search_file_in_a_dir $1 | \
    2_to_treat_space_in_file_path | \
    3_isolate_the_file_name | \
    4_run_regex_file_search $2

# in one line, the above command is 
# find "$1" -type f |  sed "s| |?|g" | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev | grep -E "$2"


  • Note the piping ( | ) in the main function search_regex_file_in_a_dir
  • There may be space in a file path. E.g.: “/path/to/an amazing dir/a file name.csv”
  • sed (streaming editor) is introduced here to find_and_replace a space as we are parsing the output of find which could have space
  • 3_isolate_file_name function isolates the filename in the end by the dir separator “/”
  • grep -E allows for execution of regex filtering on the previous output we have piped
  • In a regex search, [ . * ( ) ] + are metacharacters. If you need to match them as is, escape with a backslash. E.g.: “[0-9]+_[a-z]” will match a file_name like “”
  • While you can use “*” in search_file but not here search_file_with_regex

How to run the bash script as a command:

# if you know the source directory where to search
% search_file_with_regex -d ./dir_to_search -rf "[0-9]+_[a-z]+\.sh"
# if you do not know the directory where to search, we will search from $HOME
% search_file_with_regex -rf "some_regex_pattern" 

For full recipe details and bash outputs, refer here

II. 2. Searching Strings

Recipe Title: search_string

Core Function

function search_a_string()
    find "$1" -type f -name "$2" -exec grep -H -n -E "$3" -o {} \;


  • -exec which will direct grep to search inside every matching file from find
  • grep -n gives out number of line that matches
  • grep -o outputs the matched string
  • grep -E allows “Extended” Regex patterns as input

How to run the bash script as a command:

# do note, it need not be just regex_pattern search, 
# even a normal word as is will also be fetched
% search_string -d dir_name -f file_name -s regex_search_string
# if you do not know directory or type of file, 
# you can simply do the below search string itself
% search_string -s regex_search_string
# example
# search_string -d "/some/dir" -f "*.sh" -s "[a-z_]+\(\)"

For full recipe details and bash outputs, refer here

Recipe Title:search_n_replace_strings

Core Function:

function search_n_replace_the_string()
    echo "$search_string" 
    echo "$replacement_string"
    sed -i'.original' -e "s|$search_string|$replacement_string|g" $full_file_path


- `sed -i ''`` command replaces the file in-place and leaves no backup. If you want a backup, you could give something like this `sed -i '.backup' to retrieve the original file later`

How to run the bash script as a command: (refer here)

# if you do not know directory, you can specify the other 3 parameters
% search_n_replace_strings -f filename -s search_string -r replacement_string

For full recipe details and bash outputs, refer here

II.3. Manage files

Recipe Title: manage_files:

Core Functions

# functions below are run as 
# func_name arg1 arg2 ...

function count_files_inside_dir() 
    num_files=$(ls -l "$directory" | grep -v "^d" | wc -l)
    echo "Number of files in $directory: $num_files"

function backup_file() 
   timestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
   cp "$file_full_path" "$file_full_path.$timestamp"
   echo "Backup created: $file_full_path.$timestamp"

function get_size() 
   if [ -f "$file_or_dir" ]; then
       size=$(du -sh "$file_or_dir" | awk '{print $1}')
       echo "Size of $file: $size"
   elif [ -d "$file_or_dir" ]; then
       size=$(du -sh "$file_or_dir" | awk '{print $1}')
       echo "Size of directory $file: $size"
       echo "$file not found or is not a regular file or directory."

function split_file_into_n_chunks()
    file_path=$(echo $file_to_split | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev)
    echo "The number of chunks: $num_of_chunks" 
    echo "The file to split: $file_to_split"
    echo "Outputs are saved as: $file_path/${output_prefix}"
    split -n $num_of_chunks $file_to_split "$file_path/${output_prefix}"
    echo "The new files are:"
    ls $file_path | grep "$output_prefix"

# the below functions are hardcoded for better understandability
function split_file_based_on_size()
    max_split_file_size=$2 #100K 50M 2G refer to KB, MB and GB
    file_path=$(echo $any_file | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev)
    echo "The size of split file: $max_split_file_size" 
    echo "The file to split: $any_file"
    echo "Outputs are saved as: "$file_path/${output_prefix}""
    split -b $max_split_file_size $any_file "$file_path/${output_prefix}"
    echo "The new files are:"
    ls $file_path | grep "$output_prefix"

function join_files()
    cat $files_prefix  > $complete_file_name


  • The commands we have covered here include
    • a combination of list dir command ls, grep "^d" (anything but a directory) and word count by line wc -l
    • backup based on time using date and cp
    • conditions like [ -d $file_or_dir] to detect if the value is a directory
    • split and cat

How to run the bash script as a command:

# inside the recipe, there will be a if clause to direct to the right function
# refer full recipe for details
% manage_files --function_name arg1 arg2
# You can also add any number of other file operations 
# that you want to club with `manage_files`

For full recipe details, refer here

II.4. Inside CSV

Recipe Title: inside_csv

# `display_column_names`, `display_n_rows_in_a_column` `basic_conditional_operations`

function display_column_names()
    head -n 1 $file_name | sed 's|,|\n|g'

function display_n_rows_in_a_column()
    specific_column_number=$(head -n 1 $file_name | \
    sed 's|,|\n|g' | \
    nl | \
    grep "$column_name" | \
    grep -E "[0-9]+" -o)
    awk -F',' \
    -v column_number=$specific_column_number '{print $column_number}' \
    $file_name | head -n num_rows

# the below functions are hard-coded for better understandability
# can you count the number of rows where gender=="Male"
function filter_a_text_column()
    specific_column_number=$(head -n 1 $file_name | \
    sed 's|,|\n|g' | \
    nl | \
    grep "$column_name" | \
    grep -E "[0-9]+" -o)
    num_of_males=$(awk -F',' \
    -v column_number=$specific_column_number '$column_number=="$text_to_filter" { print }' \
    $file_name | wc -l)
    echo "Number of males: $num_of_males"

function filter_a_numeric_column()
    numeric_column_condition=">= 18"
    specific_column_number=$(head -n 1 $file_name | \
    sed 's|,|\n|g' | \
    nl | \
    grep "$column_name" | grep -E "[0-9]+" -o)
    age_gt_18=$(awk -F',' \
    -v column_number=$specific_column_number \
    '$column_number $numeric_column_condition { print }' \
    $file_name | wc -l)
    echo "Num of ppl greater than or equal to 18: $age_gt_18"


  • We have used primarily awk to parse inside files
  • awk uses column_number as input. We infer column_number from column_name using sed, nl and grep

How to run the bash script as a command:

# inside the recipe, there will be a if clause to direct to the right function
# refer full recipe for details
% inside_csv --function_name arg1 arg2
# You can also add any number of other file operations 
# that you want to club with `manage_files`

For full recipe details, refer here

II.5. AWS Recipes

Thanks for hanging on, so far. Now let us try some AWS specific recipes.

Recipe Title: Manage Multiple AWS Accounts

function recieve_and_verify_clipboard_contents
    pbpaste > ~/.aws/credentials
    verify=$(cat ~/.aws/credentials | \
    head -n 2 | \
    tail -n 1 | \
    grep "aws_access_key_id")
    if [[ -z $verify ]] ; then
        echo "Your content below in Clipboard are not valid. \
            Please copy the correct short term credentials"
        echo $clipboard_content

function create_aws_environment_variables()
    export REGION=$1
    # typically AWS_PROFILE is a combination like below
    export AWS_PROFILE=$(cat ~/.aws/credentials | \
    head -n 1 | \
    cut -c 2- | rev | cut -c 2- | rev)
    export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(echo $AWS_PROFILE | awk -F'_' '{print $1}')
    aws configure set region $REGION --profile $AWS_PROFILE
    echo -n "Logging into the AWS ACCOUNT:"
    echo $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
  • The methodology to make manage_multiple_aws_accounts work anywhere in terminal is slightly different than the rest of the functions
  • This because every time a shell script is run, it makes a copy of current shell and kills that shell once the shell script is executed.
  • But we want the environment variables - $AWS_PROFILE, $REGION, $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID to persist in our current shell window

  • Hence add the below bash function to ~/.zshrc.
    source /path/to/bash_script_recipes/aws_recipes/manage_multiple_aws_accounts.bash
    if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
        case "$1" in
                echo "Unknown option: $1"
                exit 1
    create_aws_environment_variables $region_name
    echo -n "You have chosen Region:"
    echo $region_name
  • This function manage_multiple_aws_accounts is sourced in every new terminal. It executes the commands in create_aws_environment_variables in every terminal and hence persisting the environment variables like REGION, AWS_PROFILE, AWS_ACCOUNT_ID in your current terminal
  • Note the source command which sources the manage_multiple_aws_accounts.bash script

Run the script (this is as usual)

# keep the AWS Credentials copied 
# from your aws_sso_start url like
any/location/in/your/terminal % manage_multiple_aws_accounts --region ap-south-1

Copied Credentials successfully
AWS PROFILE: 123456789_DevOps-Engineer
Logging into the AWS ACCOUNT: 123456789
You have chosen Region: ap-south-1
  • If you are a DevOps personnel, you may be interested in a fully AWS CLI solution | refer link

For full recipe details, refer here

There are two sample AWS recipes created from scratch using AWS CLI and some basic bash commands. Do check it out at your leisure.

  1. how to create and connect to an EC2 instance | link
    • This is a Taskfile.yml. But in essence, you are executing individual bash commands
    • Taskfile is so intuitively good. Check it out here.

  1. From scratch, how to create_a_vpc_with_private_subnet_and_nat.bash | link

III. Natural Language 2 Bash (NL2Bash) using LLMs …

NL2Bash can be done both via Paid and Free LLMs. 1. If you are not constrained by budget, a paid Large Language Model based option is possible for productional use. Do explore AI-Shell and Yolo , powered by ChatGPT. 2. If you want a fully local and free version, there is the repo Ollama for Mac OS, which simplifies running llama2 locally.

If there is a solid case for giving users/developers a Natural Language way of accessing the application, the NL2Bash is a really good option.
In fact, in the same API, NL2Py or NL2SQL can also be implemented to interact with your application.

NL2bash is truly exciting. However, if you won’t be running an extensively varied list of bash commands, then using an NL option is akin to using a bulldozer to mow a lawn. You’d be better off mowing the old-fashioned way with custom Bash recipes like the ones mentioned above, which leave no memory footprint and execute exceptionally swiftly.

IV. Concluding Remarks

At its core, the bash script recipes discussed here consist of just a simple transformation

function a_specific_function()
    # some simple transformation

Source: Refer Google’s Bash Scripting Style Guide

It is NOT a replacement for Python or Rust or even a Taskfile. Neither are the languages a replacement for Bash. But in combination with your core programming language, they are really powerful.

If I take some technical liberty, you did not execute bash scripting when you used find , grep, sed and awk, you actually leveraged really efficiently written C codes (source). Unequivocally, it is a great skill in your toolbox.

Bash scripting is foundational to Software Engineering and more pervasive than you think. If you have used git, docker, kubectl or even just mkdir & cd, you have tip-toed into bash scripting. Why not dive in?

Happy Bash Scripting !